We hope these opportunities for professional growth and creative development will be helpful to our SIBlings. Please check back regularly to see new offerings and deadlines. If you would like to submit something scroll to the bottom of the page!
Free Class From The British Blacksmith
Currently Available
Kirkville New York
Mark Teece, the British Blacksmith, uses traditional blacksmithing methods as well as modern techniques to form unique pieces of functional art. He has taught a wide range of subjects as a teacher, college professor, and artist, and enjoys teaching blacksmithing to new and experienced people of all ages.
He is generously offering free attendance to one of his classes to any SIBling who would be unable to attend a class otherwise.
Please email him at mark@thebritishblacksmith.com to inquire about this opportunity.
Master Class with Pete Braspenninx
March 20-22, 2025
The Metal Museum, Memphis Tennessee
During this workshop, participants will spend three days working collaboratively under Pete Braspenninx’s guidance to forge and assemble an outdoor sculpture of many components. Techniques will focus on traditional joinery and clean, consistent forgings. This workshop is open to advanced participants: registrants should be familiar with blacksmithing equipment and processes.
Collaborative Forging Masterclass
Open Now
Melbourne Australia
The Blacksmiths Festival will take place in Melbourne Australia from May 14-18, 2025. During that time a a dynamic collaborative forging team will come together to create a functional sculpture, adding a new chapter to the festival's tradition of innovative blacksmithing. That team could include YOU! Expressions of interest to join the 2025 team are now open!
The open positions are:
Masterclass Team Member (9 positions)
Team Leaders (3 positions)
Artistic and Technical Lead (1 position)
Click the link for full information and to submit and Expression of Interest.
Discount on Dovetail Workwear Products
Always Open
Hey ladies, femmes, themes, and babes of all sorts! Do you have trouble finding work pants that fit your sweet bod (and are also cute)? Have you checked out Dovetail Workwear? We recently set up a collaboration with them to offer you all a little discount on their products. If you use the code INCLUSIVE_BLACKSMITHS at checkout you'll receive 10% off your order, and we will earn 5% on any product you purchase. Cool right?!? Head over to their website and take a little looksie!
Emergency Relief from CERF+
Always Open
CERF+’s emergency relief grants will focus on materials-based craft and folk/traditional artists that incurred significant medical expenses related to treatment and recovery from COVID-19 AND/OR experienced a recent, career threatening emergency, such as an illness, accident, fire or climate related disaster.
Open Forge at The Alexander Brothers
Timberville, Virginia
A monthly open forge event hosted by the Alexander Brothers. It is "a semi structured meeting of smiths. Someone teaches a technique and then everyone does it at home and returns the next month with their own practice piece “sketch”."
Black Metalsmiths Database
Always open
This database is being organized and hosted by Funlola Coker, an accomplished metalsmith herself. Her invitation is as follows. "Are you a black metalsmith or jeweler? Do you know one? I would like to build a database, aka page, on my website (with links to relevant pages) where folks can find us easily. If you're interested, please send your info to info@funlolacoker.com, and maybe spread the word?"
Student Shop Managers Consortium (SSMC)
Always Open
SSMC is a community of practice for academic shop professionals and associates and this is the venue for collegial, professional discussion of providing and managing resources for making in higher education.
Membership is open to managers and staff of student fabrication facilities and affiliates in educational institutions worldwide. Manufacturers and vendors of equipment, materials and software of interest to SSMC members are welcome to participate and inform, but this is not a venue for sales and solicitations are not welcome. Go to the link, scroll down, and hit the blue "Join this group" button to join.
Kentucky Crafts Encyclopedia
Always Open
Kentucky, USA
The Kentucky Crafts Encyclopedia is a portal to information about Kentucky craft practices, craft history, craft institutions, craftsmakers, and places that exhibit or sell craft products. Besides providing a basic overview of the topic, the site links visitors to other websites or places that supply more extensive information. This site is under constant development by folklorist Thomas A. Adler, Ph.D., of Lexington, Kentucky.
Always available
A glossary of information collected by a group of blacksmiths.
Discord Server
Always open
Open to anyone who wants to participate! This is a friendly and supportive online community where you can share information, ask questions, make friends, show off your work, or whatever!