Glossary of terms
A helpful glossary of terms for the beginner blacksmith or those interested in blacksmithing. Contributed by Amelia and her father.
Safety Information About Silica Exposure
Silica dust can be found in refractory materials used by blacksmiths. Be aware of the health risks and protect yourself from exposure.
Kentucky Crafts Encyclopedia
Kentucky, USA
The Kentucky Crafts Encyclopedia is a portal to information about Kentucky craft practices, craft history, craft institutions, craftsmakers, and places that exhibit or sell craft products. Besides providing a basic overview of the topic, the site links visitors to other websites or places that supply more extensive information. This site is under constant development by folklorist Thomas A. Adler, Ph.D., of Lexington, Kentucky.
Black Metalsmiths Database
This database is being organized and hosted by Funlola Coker, an accomplished metalsmith herself. Her invitation is as follows. "Are you a black metalsmith or jeweler? Do you know one? I would like to build a database, aka page, on my website (with links to relevant pages) where folks can find us easily. If you're interested, please send your info to, and maybe spread the word?"
Discord Server
Open to anyone who wants to participate! This is a friendly and supportive online community where you can share information, ask questions, make friends, show off your work, or whatever!
A glossary of information collected by a group of blacksmiths.
Student Shop Managers Consortium (SSMC)
SSMC is a community of practice for academic shop professionals and associates and this is the venue for collegial, professional discussion of providing and managing resources for making in higher education.
Membership is open to managers and staff of student fabrication facilities and affiliates in educational institutions worldwide. Manufacturers and vendors of equipment, materials and software of interest to SSMC members are welcome to participate and inform, but this is not a venue for sales and solicitations are not welcome. Go to the link, scroll down, and hit the blue "Join this group" button to join.